Pak Group
- The group was founded in 1923 and currently comprises 19 companies specialising in: Foods, flexible packaging, carton board and real estate.
- Total gross turnover for the Pak Group exceeds $500 million, and it employs about 1,650 people.
- The Pak Group owns 75% of Kartonsan, the largest carton board producer in Turkey, and 70% of Intermat, the leading manufacturer of flexible packaging in Europe.

With the addition of Macedonian Paper Mills, the Pak Group has become the fourth-largest carton board manufacturer in Europe, with an annual production of about 360,000 tons.
συνολικός ακαθάριστος
κύκλος εργασιών
κύκλος εργασιών
απασχολεί περίπου 1.650 άτομα
συναποτελείται από 19 εταιρείες